As we’ve discussed Meaningful, Memorable, and Masterful as rules we live by, we have also been consistently aware of another idea…
From Pragmatic to Dramatic
We have always recognized there is a very practical application for the craft of photography and it’s important, to be able to best service clients needs, to be aware of those needs and be able to separate our personal investment as artists so that we can truly address the needs at hand. How can we do this, however, without feeling we are betraying our creative being?
It has taken years of exploration to find resolve in this idea, but with willingness and relentless drive, it is beginning to come into focus.
I realized I needed to be willing to put my clients first and see my art as secondary to their needs. This is the pragmatic side of what I do. To be able to properly address this idea without losing myself, BELLOMO STUDIOS has settled into 3 tiers of service.
As a service and CLIENT DRIVEN business, BELLOMO STUDIOS has evolved into three main pillars.
Tier 1
- Fine Portraiture- From headshots and custom portfolios to studio and location milestone fine artistry portraiture (families, seniors, new additions, legacy, etc.), we recognize the need for art with a specific purpose. This tier captures personalities and time stamps in people’s lives that can be continually updated and recorded over time. It is here that we explore the slogan, “Be Part of your Art” focusing on wall prints, collections, and custom albums.
Tier 2
- Branded Imagery and Multi-Media Pieces- Many of our clients are also business owners who have a need to tell their story and build relationships with their own clients. With brand awareness and storytelling in mind, we help those clients build their visibility in a meaningful way. We help tell their story to their target audiences using coordinated portraiture, product, procedural, aerial, detail, and creative imagery that fulfills an entire story and fosters relationships.
Tier 3
- Commissioned Fine Art- When clients are looking for impactful imagery built around an idea or passion they have, our commissioned fine artwork is a way to marry their very personal vision with custom print art that creates an experience in their personal spaces. We have built personalized art around creative portraits, favorite locations, as gifts, to favorite hobbies….the choices are literally limitless. We work with our clients here to build an idea into one-of-a-kind pieces of art that will become heirloom pieces to be shared for generations.
The 4th Tier
Very often, our clients use BELLOMO STUDIOS for all of these tiers or some combination of. It was because of our clients needs that we evolved this way.
But where did the artist’s own vision and creation exist?
The 4th tier…BEHN gallery
We love servicing our clients and bringing visions that support client’s needs to life, but, as an artist, it is also essential to have a place to allow our own creativity and growth. In order to offer the best service possible through BELLOMO STUDIOS, I needed an “outlet” that was artist driven.
This is when the idea for BEHN gallery was born. At the time, it was not yet BEHN, but just a gallery in my studio space to share what I created for my own interest and growth. As this idea grew further, it has evolved to now, what is becoming it’s own separate idea…
Our 4th tier. BEHN gallery. BEHN will rotate bodies of limited edition artwork on at least a quarterly basis of my work, but also the work of my partner, Jim Hamel, and other featured artists along the way built around themes, styles, ideas, and emotions.
But BEHN is more than a place to display and sell personal fine art pieces. Part of my art is the experience the artwork facilitates, so it was essential to have a place within my active working space that could be shared and experienced to best understand the story of the artist and the drive behind the bodies of work. With that, BEHN will have relevant education and events built around each body of work where collectors and enthusiasts can talk with the artists, participate in events, learn about the subjects and not just view and purchase the works of art, but experience them in a very personal way.
Learn more about our 4th tier, BEHN gallery, at